Born in 1967 in Dülmen, Westfalen
Study of Chemistry and Biology at Münster
Encountered Anthroposophy in 1992 and began an Anthroposophical meditative practice
1996 Became a member of the Anthroposophical Society
1996 – 1997 Teacher-training placement in a high school in Bonn
1998 – 2011 Teacher for Chemistry, Biology and Computer Sciences in the Krefeld Waldorf School
2006 Became a member of the First Class of the School of Spiritual Science
2007 Began lecturing on supersensible perception
2011 Began full-time supersensible research
2012 Became director of the Gesellschaft für angewandte Geistesforschung mbH
2019 Founding the company “Angewandte Geistesforschung Burdich” (Applied Spiritual Research Burdich)